Monday, May 27, 2024

HALIFAX: Hells Angels Motorcycle Gang & Bums Busted At Mic Mac Mall Today

You should have seen it in Halifax today, buddy comes in the Mic Mac Mall with the Hell's Angels outfit on shopping and the crowd followed him outside and got his phone number from shopping for phones and license plate number and pelted them with rocks.

Then the guy was confronted outside about being a fugitive and the court was looking for his witness statements over his Hell's Angels jacket, then the guy took off and a huge crowd of cars cut them off, then they tried to run over the ducks at Sullivan's Pond and the crowd stopped them.

Then people got in a fight with them at Alderney Landing and all over downtown Halifax and they admitted it was them breaking people's apartment buildings in Dartmouth and the fuckers at the Halifax Libray loitering said it was them.

After they they got in a huge fight with the crowd because people were yelling at them that the courts were looking for the bums and the Hell's Angels downtown for their witness statements over other crimes committed in the same jacket.

Fuck them.

The crowd pelted them and then and they took off with no police there and now they are loose fugitives in the Halifax area in a large group is what was going on, now the police are looking for them or something.  


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