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Canada - The Place We Live |
Since we are at the end of the
year I thought I would take a break from my other topics and take some time to
write Canada’s Financial
Report for 2017 and the 2018 Fiscal Outlook.
Myself, being an expert in
Corporate and Financial Markets I have decided to review and evaluate the state
of Canada’s Financial Markets from 2017 and what is on the outlook for 2018 and
This report includes the most
important topics that matter to Canadians and what we can look forward to that
is coming in the future to Canada.
The new free telephone service available now and
will there be free cable service coming soon.
· The relevance and importance of the failure and
coming bankruptcy of the Sobeys Corporation aka Canada’s Enron.
The failure and collapse of Equifax and the
credit reporting system in Canada, and how Canada plans to scrap the ID Card
and Driver’s License System.
These topics are somewhat
complicated so I will try and keep it simple. Also note, when I am talking
about these issues I am only talking about regular citizens who are adults and
not people who are criminals involved in criminal activities.
These issues are not the problem
of regular Canadian citizens, I am talking about everyone over 18 and are not
involved in criminal activities.
How the Government plans to stop
minors from drinking underage when they scrap the ID Card is not my problem,
what also is not my problem is what criminals are doing if they are committing
fraud or something, so when the ID Card is scrapped in the future if someone is
committing fraud under a fake identity that is not my problem.
Those matters are up to the
Government to monitor, not the regular citizens of Canada. So in the future you
will probably not be treated like a criminal when you apply for a loan since
their will be no Equifax or credit check since those Companies are currently in
foreclosure in Canada and will probably be bankrupt in the near future.
Since the credit reporting system
has failed in Canada and Equifax will soon be closed any financial company
using the credit check through Equifax will soon be obsolete.
The old Government of Canada,
from probably twenty years ago, has failed in their regulations to protect the
personal freedoms of Canada’s citizens and now a large part of the Canadian
Federal Government has fallen into the hands of the Equifax Credit Reporting
System and Large Financial Companies who are currently holding your personal
tax information in their private business.
The failure of Canada’s old
Government has led to large Financial Corporations holding your personal
information at The Equifax Credit Company who are currently holding your Social
Insurance Number records and income tax information as well as information
about your income and employment and they are claiming to be a Government
Organization using your Social Insurance Number to prevent you from getting
credit at their other business partners locations.
What has happened is this has led
to the bankruptcy of companies like Sears Canada and Sobeys Corporation because
Equifax was representing the Government of Canada by tracking your credit off
you Social Insurance number aka Tax Return information.
Since Equifax has been holding
Government Information from Citizens that is intended for your Tax Return what
they have done is blocked everyone’s credit by using your tax return
information, Social Insurance Number and Income Information, to make a credit
report that resembles a copy of your tax return.
Equifax, then shared this
information with other Financial Institutions and blocked people from
getting credit at their other business
What has happened is all
Companies using Equifax have lost all their customers because they no longer
grant credit.
Sears Canada by accessing your
credit information from Equifax, which is your Social Insurance Number and
Financial Information intended for your tax return, has denied you from having
a Credit Card at their business.
Since no one has any money in
Canada, and with super high prices at Sears that no one can afford they then
have stopped issuing credit by denying you a credit card based on your Equifax
Essentially, Sears won’t finance
anyone because of the Equifax Credit Report, and their prices are so high that
they lost all their customers because no one in Canada has any money.
What this means is that Sears
didn’t want customers to have their credit cards to buy their over priced items
because Equifax blocked your credit.
Now no one has credit because of
Equifax and this has cost Sears all their customers. Now they are closed.
So Sears wouldn’t issue credit
because of Equifax, along with super high prices that no one can afford now
they have no customers.
If your companies prices are too
high and you don’t issue credit…you don’t have any customers.
Then you are bankrupt.
All the Companies participating
in Equifax are all in the same situation and have lost all their customers. Now
they are all going Bankrupt because they used Equifax’s Social Insurance Number
Information from your tax return to block you from have credit at all their
What this means is that Equifax
is closed.
That is because they held your
Social Insurance number for your tax return and your income information which
is Government Property.
Then Equifax used this private
information and shared it with their participating companies. So Equifax has
giving information for your tax return to all their partners and used it to
deny people from getting credit.
Now, no one has even heard of
this that I ever heard of. The old Government of Canada gave Equifax access to
your tax return information (Social Insurance Number, Income) and they then
went out and shared it with a bunch of companies.
So if you didn’t pay your credit
at Sears then another Company wouldn’t give you a credit card.
What this means is that all those
Companies who used Equifax didn’t want customers who had bad credit at another
business using Equifax.
Keep in mind that this only
applies at business that use the Equifax Credit Reporting System.
So if you applied for Credit at a
business that uses the Equifax System you can’t get credit if you didn’t pay at
one of their other business partners.
Now they are all going bankrupt
because no one can get a credit card their anymore and they lost all their
They all had super high prices
and credit cards, then they wouldn’t give anyone any credit if they didn’t pay
their business partners. Now they have no customers because their prices are
too high and they won’t issue credit.
They based this decision on
information used for your tax return, your social insurance number. So what
they did in their group is they used information for your taxes that was given
to them by Canada’s old Government and they regulated Equifax like a Government
Branch with your private information which is illegal so now they are closed.
Now your credit report at Equifax
is now meaningless because the whole credit reporting system went bankrupt.
So if you have bad credit now at
Equifax it is a garbage report because it was illegally compiled with tax
information and only applied to Companies using the Equifax System. So when
they obtained this Government Information from citizens they used it to block
customers from shopping at their group and now they have no customers and
Equifax has failed just like Sears and they are going bankrupt because they
won’t issue credit.
What is happening with Sobeys
Canada aka Canada’s Enron is they are going bankrupt right now and are closing.
Several years ago to remind you
Sobeys Canada sued the Provincial Government to overturn the Referendum on Sunday Shopping which the
public voted no.
Sobeys sued, and the Provincial
Government overturned the Referendum which is Unconstitutional in the Public
and now we have Sunday shopping, which is great but it went it
Now Sobeys has lost all their
customers and are going bankrupt.
What they are saying is that
Sobeys is the second largest Food Company in Canada BUT they mean in size and
number of stores.
Although, they have a large
number of stores they only have 3% of shoppers.
So only 3% of Canadians shop at
Sobeys and they are the second largest Company in number of stores so they have
no customers.
They have like a million stores
but only ten customers now they are going broke fast.
What is happening is they are
writing off Billions of Dollars in losses trying to stay open and all their
food must be going in the garbage.
So they must be buying food to
sell and nobody wants it and they are throwing it out or something plus
operating expenses.
They are wasting billions of
dollars trying to stay open every day but they have no customers so all their
food is going in the garbage as a write off or something and they still have to
pay wages.
So they are in free fall or
something, plus they can’t pull their money out because they are on the Stock
All their money is locked on the
stock market so they can’t close and keep their money. They have to stay open
because of the stock market investors, then if they close and are sold the
money has to go to their creditors.
Sobeys can’t pull their money and
take off because it’s locked on the stock market, then if they close all the
money and assets will go to their creditors.
On top of that food companies are
not going to give them credit by giving them food to keep going because they
will never get it back because when it doesn’t sell Sobeys will write it off.
Anyone that gives Sobeys credit
to stock their shelves will never get their money back because the food will be
written off because they have no customers.
Not only that, Sobeys is probably
now uninsurable.
That is because what I heard is
that all those buildings are practically abandoned now and people are
vandalizing their property when they are going bankrupt.
People are saying they are going
to help them write off their stuff by vandalizing their properties while they
are closing and are being abandoned. Note: That big company going bankrupt
losing billions of dollars a day or something outside is not a toy and you
shouldn’t be down there rioting and vandalizing those old buildings because
you’ll get in trouble.
Insurance Companies are not going
to cover Sobeys because they are a target for vandalism, that’s because people
will be down there breaking their windows every day while they are going
bankrupt and the insurance companies won’t pay because it will cost them
millions of dollars in payouts to keep fixing their windows and stuff.
No one is going to insure them
during all that. They are writing off everything and people are down their
rioting apparently so the insurance companies won’t cover them because they are
a target for vandalism.
Now they are just a money pit
with no customers losing billions of dollars a day something on the stock
market waiting to crash and hit the bottom. They are in free fall and when it’s
over they will be closed and be abandoned buildings that will be sold off and
then all the “Needs” stores will be 7/11’s or something in the future.
That is also what happened to
Sears and companies on the Equifax system are next probably because no one has
any money and Equifax won’t approve them for credit in the Equifax Group now
none of them has any customers and they are going bankrupt.
Equifax is pretty much finished
off now because if your company uses it they will go bankrupt like Sears and
Sobeys because they will have no customers.
Now what is happening is there is
a bunch of businesses coming in and are financing anyone for anything with no
credit check.
The companies coming out now are
not even asking who you are. The new ones are financing anyone who will take their
Companies off
the Equifax system are just financing anyone who will take their stuff like
furniture and computers and that, probably cars. They probably just want you to
prove your income.
They are doing
this with no credit checks like Rent to Own places, BUT their prices are super
high right now.
In the future
because of the failure of Equifax rent to own places are going to finance
anyone for super cheap just to get their money.
This will
probably apply to any items that aren’t a car or a house. Like house hold and
furniture items.
So you just go
get your furniture and appliances pay as you go for super cheap because if they
don’t they will go out of business like Sears.
In the near
future their will be no credit checks, it will just be pay as you go or super
easy financing store to store.
That’s because
companies can’t share credit information with each other because of the Failure
of Equifax and their Partners like Sears because they will go bankrupt from not
having customers.
Now stores are
going to be financing you anything super cheap and doing pay as you go because
no one has any money and the Equifax Group failed.
No credit report
now and the old one is garbage.
This is what
Canada’s old Government said, they said that if person with a University
Student Loan couldn’t pay their loan back like $40,000 then they would never
erase it from Equifax.
That is not even
First, Equifax
is not a Government Organization so they can’t do that.
Equifax was
given a piece of the Government with Social Insurance Number reporting.
The Government
can’t say that your student loan in bad debt will never be erased at Equifax a
Credit Reporting Business because Equifax is not the Government.
What they are
saying is this, “if you have a University Student Loan and become disabled and
can’t pay it then you will have bad credit for the rest of your life even when
your 100.”
That’s what the
old Government in Canada said.
That is not even
a believable statement. Right, the Government is going to say that if you
become disabled with a student loan debt in your 20’s then you will have NO
Now they are all
bankrupt and Equifax has failed and is no longer a real report. That was
probably Equifax that did that when they represented the Government of Canada
illegally or something.
Now they have to
separate the Social Insurance Number from Equifax because none of that is even
This means that
tons of other companies are coming in and financing anyone with no credit check
and pay as your go furniture and stuff for super cheap because that’s where all
the customers are at.
What this is
leading to is the termination of the Driver’s License and Photo ID.
That’s because
the Driver’s License, Health Card and Social Insurance Number are all the same
So when they ask
you for three pieces of identification it’s all really your social insurance
In the
background at the DMV your drivers license number is connected to your social
insurance number, just like your health card.
So, in the
future you will just need one card.
The driver’s
license and health card will probably just be your social insurance number.
That’s because
they both go back to your Social Insurance Number.
So in the
future, you won’t have to show anyone your age anymore if your over 18 or your
photo id.
You will just
have a social insurance number with nothing on it.
Then when you go
to finance something you don’t have to prove who you are anymore and they won’t
be allowed asking you anything about your identity because of Equifax Failing.
They will probably just get your address and contact info.
When you are
driving if the Police check your license there will be no picture on it then
they will probably punch in your social insurance number and then your picture
will be in their computer and only they can see it. So only government staff
will be allowed to view your government photo if you have to prove who you are.
So if the Police
want to check your drivers license you
just give them your social insurance number and your photo will be in their
computer with your info.
What will happen
is there will be no ID card just a social insurance number and only the
government can view your picture to prove your identity to protect your
Then outside you
will never have to prove you age or identity to anyone ever again. Business
won’t be allowed ask you to prove your identity, it will just be your name and
address or something similar with no checks.
So business
won’t be allowed to do a Government check on you by viewing your identity on a
card to protect your privacy, then you will just give them your name and
If it’s
something large like a house or a car then the house or car will be linked to
your social insurance number at the government so that it is registered.
Getting a large
loan would have to be registered to your social insurance number but only the
government can view your identity to do the registration when you get a loan
not the business.
They did the
same thing at Equifax with housing, no one will loan you money for a house then
they lost all their customers and went bankrupt.
In the future
when you buy a house and can’t afford to keep it and have to leave your credit
won’t be affected.
The business
selling you the house will be glad they got your rent money for a few years.
So if you can't
keep it then it was just rent and they get it back, but the government would
have to verify your identity not the business selling the house.
Now there is new
stuff coming out, I will try and keep this short.
The new free Telephone
Telephone service is now free on
your smart phone.
If you get an internet connection
for like $50 a month and use wi-fi then
if you add a telephone app you can use your phone for free at home or any wi-fi
So you get your smart phone and
put the phone app on it. Then you can call anyone for free on wi-fi.
You can use this like a payphone,
you put the phone app on your smart phone then when you are out if you want to
make a call you just go to a wi-fi hotspot like a mall or coffee shop and you
can make free calls and use their internet.
If you keep a small balance on
your prepaid phone then you only need to use it when you are out of the hot
spot zone.
So telephone is free now when you
get the internet.
Get a prepaid smart phone, and
then use it for free at home with the phone app. Then when your are out use it
like a pay phone by going to a hotspot to make free calls. Then keep a small
balance on your prepaid phone incase you need to use it when your are out of
the hotspot area.
When is the cable tv app coming
On top of this, I didn’t check to
see what is out, your blu ray player can run televisions apps.
What they need to make is a
television app for your computer like the free phone app.
Your blu ray player has wi fi on
it, so it can access the internet. Then the blu ray player would install the
television app and you can watch television on your blu ray player.
For example, if the CBC and
Public Broadcasting make a Television app for your computer like the telephone
app then you could get a CBC Television app. Then your blu ray player can run
the app on the wi fi and you can watch CBC on your blu ray player for free off
your internet connection.
So, Major League Baseball and NHL
Hockey has this package anyway. So if you can install the NHL Hockey app on
your blu ray player you can watch all the hockey games on the television off
the internet.
If CBC and Public Broadcasting
did this you can watch them for free on you blu ray player.
If all the Television Stations
make Apps for their channels you can install the app on your blu ray player and
then watch real television over the internet on your blu ray player like the
telephone app. Wireless, anywhere in your house.
On top of that, listen to this…if
they take Express Vu or Dishnetwork or Direct TV and then switch from the
“dish” on the side of the house to the G4 Telephone wireless network on wi fi
then your blu ray player can pick up the television satellite on the G4
Smartphone Network.
So, if they switch the television
satellite to the G4 Network for the smart phone then the blu ray player can
access the television station through the tv app.
You would turn on your blu ray
player and then search for wi fi connections…your would see Dish Network….then
when you click on the Dish Network Wi Fi Connection then it would install the
Dish Network App and you could watch Dish Network on your blu ray Player.
CBC for example could do this
righ now. All they would have to do is switch or add their broadcast to the G4
Smartphone Network then when you turn on your blu ray player you would see CBC
Television under the wi fi connections.
When you click on the connection it would install the CBC
app on the blu ray player and you could watch CBC television for free on your
blu ray machine right off the G4 Network onto the blu ray player.
This would be the same with MLB, NHL and all other major
television networks.
That is what is happening in Canada, the Place We Live. Happy