Saturday, January 22, 2022

RE: Action Park

I remember what happened at Action Park, just for notes from my desk for my business research for MY business, like for Bill Gates...Only for this post only.

Action Park was based in New Jersey in a lower income area in a state with less theme park regulations for income revenue.

Then guests were often less educated than visitors to more expensive theme parks and were more reckless with kids drinking underage at the park with teenage staff.

However, Action Park was live monitored by "state gaming" of whatever the regulation like the judges to watch the riders come down and it was actually much more regulated than it was on the tape and looked more like and Olympic Swimming Pool finish line setup.

Park monitors had to stop the rides if there was an incident and all times they said it was the victims fault somehow the accident.

Like running in right fast showing off from a poor neighborhood and recklessly jumping off the cheap equipment, including behavior like taking babies down the rides and getting in accidents.

My summer jobs and stuff I worked at Country Clubs and places like Action Park doing shows and "helping out" with people I knew who worked at the park with the business group or something.

They would stand outside the park aimed at the poor neighborhood were they never had a theme park and would get all hyped up and run in and slam off the rides not looking and get hurt.

Teenage staff there also monitored the rides and I also remember this for NOT getting in the car and saying it that they used to put tennis balls in the go carts to make them go like 50 miles and hour and then drinking under age on site and getting in accidents.

On the water rides they had bumper boats and motor boats on different tracks, then they used to carry the bumper boat behavior over to the motorboat track and hit each other off the motorboat track like a bumper boat and then were using the watersides as a launch pad and shooting themselves into the air and getting killed in front of the park monitors who had to stop the ride.


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