Friday, June 11, 2021

Here's My New Favorite Band Playing This Summer

It's Bitterwood....that's my new favorite deathcore slam band, they're going somewhere.

I see that everyone's sampling and scratching over everyone records and stuff, well I don't work there...I don't know if you guys have the rights to any of these samples, I know you don't have mine....that's what I'm telling everyone...all the major labels sample Collapse and put it on their records and my soundprint like on youtube copyright protection.

That's what I saying, where's my free fucking Masarati at?

Glad to see I'm so influential though with my sample on all you I said, I don't go there because you want my money because I'm better off than you, now your using my money anyway at your business with my material on your records.

So why should you have my sample and you company car with my material and I don't?

That's what I'm telling the court when I sue...anyway, I'm just going with Bitterwood anyway for my store promotion.


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