Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Oh, Now COVID Is Lotto 649 / Super 7

Yeah they got all these problems up in Ontario what are that having some kind of lottery now or something?

I don't know, they are running some Sweepstakes contest off covid vaccinations or something....yeah I can just fucking imagine.

Fuck you people make me mad, pretending you have pants at the government.

Government and Politicians are supposed to be people of stature...you all live at the garbage dump.

Like, why the fuck would I let someone from the government be in charge of my stuff trying to regulate me when they have no education...then all they say is "work, job sharing" because they have no money.

How do you people exist?

Like when did women become either one of two things in Canada....a shut in or a piece of trash covered in tatoos like some sailor, yeah nobody likes girls that look like men at the dump or sitting around in cheap slacks not washing stuck in the house.

They try to tell me they have no grants or nothing for mine, illiterate people.

Ordering computer servers and not having the money and stuff to pay the grads then following them around trying to interfere with their business and paperwork at their jobs to people like me when they have no education assaulting everyone every two minutes.

Why don't you all leave Canada and go live in some third world Country where you can get along because there's no town here that supports you.


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