Monday, June 14, 2021

HAHAHA I just Caught The Fake Government

I never laughed so hard in my whole life man...I found out what is going on.

The government and them Equifax people went bankrupt man.

They put a bad credit rating for student loans etc. they are bankrupt.

Like they don't have any of my financial file information.

Then all they have is the account balance with no loan for credit cards and student loans and stuff so I'm not paying them because they lost my files and are annoying me to death.

Yeah, totally got it...the government here got nothing and no possessions...then they lost our files and are trying to collect illegally off old account balances sending out fake collection notices trying to extort people to pay.

That makes that easy then, I'm just not paying them or acknowledging a bill collector ever again plus if they try to sue over the debt they have no file documents so they'll lose the case like student loan and them.

Plus, you're that group of little pricks around town that no one likes.


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