Monday, June 14, 2021

This Is What I Mean, Government Orders All This Stuff Then Didn't Have The Money To Pay Grads

All down their at the government holding hands all touching everything at the same time in pissy pants not letting anyone work there or give grants to grads.

They put the work out for the fucking contract at the University they said they $150 Million Dollars for the finished SAP server.

Then I showed up with my finished designs to sell them from my job and my staff and they DIDN'T hav the money to pay for the server.

My salary off the designs and the other staffs wages.

Then they never finished the work and don't have one because their still trying to built it probably.

Putting out a work contract for a server to the University and then not having the money and trying to steal it from the students backed form St.FX staff not helping anyone when you complain.

This is what I'm telling you didn't have the money for the work order for the're over.

I'm saying that all have down there at those business and the school is a bunch of flashy pictures in a magazine...then that was all fake.

Then when I went there you didn't have the picture in the magazine from the school for the job in real life, then it was a fake contract through government, business and the school and then had no money to pay...and this "lifestyle" that advertised in their material at the school was fake.

Then when you go down there they have no education, no money and were all pissing themselves with no education holding peoples disability back lying refusing to give it front of lawyers for an application at the from desk refusing to let you file.

For a free form that's everyone's allowed having except for one person.

Right pervert?

Fucking whatever, how many life sentences did you people just get this past December down at the welfare anyway in order to block all the files and payments anyway?

That's what my complaint was to the government when I filed, then nothing ever happens and the pissy pants keeps getting their pay cheque and not handing peoples money to them.


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