Wednesday, May 11, 2022

NOVA SCOTIA: Goverement Budget Failures Example

Here is an example of how Nova Scotia has failed in it's budget, with these bizarre numbers they release saying they "have no money or services in Nova Scotia".

This is an easy example of how Nova Scotia has wasted all it's money from the worlds largest Lobster Fishery and Top Tourism Destination.

They are flat broke and can't do math.

They said $25 Million for the Halifax Bikeway... a new bicycle lane throughout Halifax, you'll have to learn the route...that is NO MONEY.

Last month the Community Services issued new rebates from their $13 Million dollar "bonus" of something they said....that translate to $150 one time payment per person on a cheque hahahahahahahha.

Like the bike lane was only twice as much as one month bonus of $150 each on welfare and disability hahahahahahha, that didn't even cost anything.

Then my SAP server from going to University they said was $150 Million an installation and no government or service had the money in business on the TSX in Canada for it.


That's your political backers money???


Everyone's rich right now anyway according to you so fucking be dead already so we can get our new houses when I get my SAP settlement money from your fake government and flat broke financial backers.


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