Monday, July 12, 2021

NOVA SCOTIA: Sunday Shopping Refferendum 2004 - 2006 - When Will The Vote Be Restored?

So this is getting pretty pathetic now, the Sunday Shopping Referendum 2004 voted no Sunday Shopping.

In 2006 Sobeys Company...a grocery store retailer sued the Nova Scotia Government to overturn the public vote so they could sell on Sunday. 

Not a real event...but they did it anyway and took the case at the courts in Halifax and overturned the vote with no public consent or interaction - life in prison for those responsible.

To date, Ottawa REFUSES to take accountability for this illegal interference on our Sovereignty in Atlantic Canada.

Now Ottawa and Halifax owe us reparations - people like me who just turned 45 and are in business and were there in 2006 working when this happened are bringing this issue forward with us as we continue with our careers and business and in the future our political candidates will have the issue corrected and have those responsible charged and sentenced for this crime.

So 15 years of this crap from the Halifax Courts and Ottawa who today are in complete default to Nova Scotia citizens and Ottawa claims a blockage in the Parliament.  

Well there's no blockage at my house and I want my money back.

These companies and government officials owe us 15 YEARS of payments to us here in Nova Scotia for Sobeys living off our Sunday sales illegally with other large companies - while we get no jobs, support and with outrageous store prices that aren't even real.

They try and tell you they have no cheap meat in Atlantic Canada when it's all farms from our own town.

Yeah, I don't think your prices are correct at the local stores for our meat and eggs there "business guy" aka open fraud in public with no Ottawa accountability.

How has the company done since.

-2006 - Illegally Overturned Refferendum

-2008 - Home Invasion At My House from same office.

The they lost all their movies theaters, three failed business installation like SAP,  multiple cases of food poisoning in their stores and large food recalls.

Now I don't know what this resolution will be but the company that did that to the vote in Nova Scotia....I already beat them in court and they are in default....then the Nova Scotia Government defending Sunday Shopping I beat them in Court and they are in default in a second case to me this past December.

That's what I'm telling you Atlantic Canada.....I beat them both and they are both in default in my case and I have them sued at work at the government and at home.

Now they are losing all their possessions.

It's only a matter of time before they are thrown out the vote is restored and the illegal Sunday Shopping Money paid back to the citizens from those companies that stole our vote will happen, then they will all get life in prison.

No one will ever let this issue go here in Atlantic Canada, you are not our leadership passing these illegal laws.

I can't imagine your humiliation all this time for 15 years to the Nova Scotia citizens, with you all sitting there in default with Ottawa today taking no accountability while our future generations outside are progressing forward with your charges when we take office.

Then we are getting paid back and you are going to prison.


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