Sunday, May 17, 2020

CANADA: Trudeau Says Not All Canadians Need Universal Coverage

Fifty Canadian Senators are bringing forward the $2000 a month universal basic assistance coverage package.

Trudeau says that not all Canadians need the money so it's not universal...fucking duh, but what's the cutoff?

Like millionaires don't need it, they are the exception.

I mean come off it, just take the Canada Family Allowance cheque for children, after the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1919 just after World War One which killed probably more people than the actual war or something, they introduced the first credit system to recover from the war and the Spanish Flu.

The creation of the first credit system that came out with the first National US Dollar, the one used today, and their credit loans caused the economic boom of the 1920's.

However, according to research regular citizens didn't pay the loans back which were uninsured or something and the banks never got their money back and the stock market crashed causing the great depression in the 1930's.

Then this led to World War Two in the 1940's.

Somewhere in there they passed the Federal Income tax and then they made the Family Allowance Cheque to help citizens recover from all that for their kids money.

Now today we have inflation and a new pandemic, the same conditions of the 1920's and 1930's today, now it's climate change at the turn of this century...viruses getting released by nature and stuff forcing everyone to stay in the house.

When I went to St.FX they told me $150 thousand dollars a year for my degree and when I got out of school and finished my credit hours they didn't have the work in business and they were triple job sharing my position for $50 thousand each then they tried to rob me of my work and I left the industry.

Like that, I mean what a waste of there is no good work in project management for full wages, the degree today means you're CEO of your own business.

Like you're better off taking that $150 thousand dollar a year degree and selling cd's and t-shirts, it's less work and easier money that information technology and you can run the whole business by yourself.

That's what I'm doing and I don't work right now, like I'm trying to get going.

Like all this money is supposed to be there but it isn't, companies can't afford it to have the positions.

I tell you, I worked running a record store...awesome job that doesn't pay well and great experience, then I worked in technology with my degree and made decent money for a few years for my credit hours...after that...nothing. 

After my credit hours were done for my certification, nothing there...I mean nobody's working with my degree for $20 an hour in Halifax or Toronto.

Then I had to leave and stay home.

I'm telling you after having done all that $2000 a month is the minimum you need right now to have all your stuff covered, and to be independent like if you are single on a cheque.

Like this, then single women don't have to be stuck with some guy for money...stuff like that, because they can't leave.

I mean in Canada that gives you a basic house or apartment, food, cable and a car...come off it. 

Other people all have $200 thousand dollar condos from running their own stores and stuff like up in Ontario and prices are through the roof.

Like just because Ontario has higher wages and people have condos and stuff, then they're not apportioning their living amount with taxes and stuff  to give the rest of us our financial supplement.

That's triple basic assistance to start.

If they have all those jobs in Ontario and can afford condos and stuff everyone else needs triple basic assistance.

That's why we need the basic universal amount of $2000 per month per person for basic assistance unless you make too much money duh.

I mean it's the same thing as the 1930's, they had to issue the family allowance cheque to get out of the great depression.

Today, the family allowance has been cancelled out and people are living off their kids money.

Now we need a new basic coverage cheque to get our regular money back and put the wealth back in the family allowance.

I mean you should not have to have kids just to get extra money in Canada, like the family allowance.

Then if you are like me they belonged to some other guy and you had to get out of there.

The new cheque the universal amount, not for everyone because some people don't need it, will allow the family allowance money to go back to childrens benefits then everyone else will have their own cheque.

The whole Country lives in Ontario and Alberta where the work is, not me I like living out here in Atlantic Canada writing and playing music and shit.

All those people who got all that work and extra money, then I didn't because my degree wasn't hired properly in business which is probably also illegal, they are supposed to pay our wages.

Raise their taxes or something and give us our $2000 a month so we can sit around here in Nova Scotia since there is no work.

The economy and tax money needs to be more evenly distributed, now under new conditions we need a new government basic assistance cheque because the amount is $2000 a month now to properly get by on.

This will eliminate almost every problem facing poor people today. 

Then if they don't work or are illiterate or something  they can just stay home and play xbox or use the internet and stay out of the way of these working people.

Plus the money will clean up the downtown because they will move out of the slums with the money.

That money alone will clean up the poor areas.

Universal coverage does not mean people that don't need it. Like the ones living in $200 thousand dollar condos.

I mean come off it...pandemic, no work, no Canada Food Guide coverage, no credit, no cars, no houses.

The people saying all that have like $200 thousand dollar condos in Ontario they are saying, then they want us to live off $20, yeah I don't think so.

Anyway if this continues those condos won't be around too much longer.

We need to transfer the family allowance cheque back to children's benefits and issue a new one for all adults. 

Like this...then no one will care, then like in the 1930's you won't need a grade 12 because you can just take the $2000 cheque then everyone can drop out of school again since it doesn't mean anything because there's no work.

That will take the pressure off the school and make smaller classes, then the education can be more focused on students who want to be there to take the pressure off the teachers and education system, everyone else can just drop out at sixteen again and take the cheque money.

Like my group for example...heavy metal fans I mean, we can just all drop out at sixteen and take the cheque money and play video games and use the internet and stuff then just waste it on band stuff like guitars and drums and shit, and video games.

Then all the other kids they can get a grade twelve, a go get their condo in Ontario when they get a job.

Not me, I'm dropping out anyway and going to the beach to take up surfing with my cheque money when I get it.

Then they gotta wipe all those Canada student loan debts because they can never be repaid because that all failed, then hand out $2000 a month for everyone who quit or dropped out. 

Then everyone else can go work and study, this is gonna save money and clean up the schools and downtown, like after the 1940's period. 

Then only students who want to work will be in high school and people in the slums will use the money to move to a better area and situation.

Come off in Canada, where's our new supplement cheque, triple basic assistance to start like that's like your work or regular cheque money plus $1200 a month, then that's for your basic furniture and kitchen table stuff and shit. 

Then we'll all just drop out and do that and leave the work and school for all the other kids who are actually going to use it. 

Like this, equifax and all that stuff, family allowance, student loans and all that failed. 

Now it's time to wipe the record, issue more money and start over like after the 1940's and then the money will help us avoid a depression like scenario and we can just wipe it and fix it by starting over with new money.

We'll be way better off to scrap it and start over now then dealing with all that stuff they faced with the first credit and tax system that failed like in the 1930's.


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