Monday, May 18, 2020

They Came Out Flaming Me Again Outside

Back to my lawsuit...

So I was blogging about this, they come up to out in front of my house in this context....during covid, in front of school in a church zone, on Victoria Day weekend and I was just saying this on here, they run out doing it again.

That's what I mean, the fucking harassment around here in Halifax form these people.

Trying to say they're telling me to go fuck myself because I said I had my own share of loss over the attack and stuff and what happened at the metal concerts.

That's because I caught them, well you don't like what I said on here so far you're gonna hate the rest of it.

I won my court cases, now I'm seeking damages...I'm only going to sue your worse and make a bigger deal about it.

Then I got that fake summons from the Tenancy Board from Five Star Bailiff then their outside everyday.

I go walking like for my exercise plan around Halifax, then on the loop they are at Baker Drive, then again on Pleasant Street, then again at Lake Banook, all in my walking area...and they were out last night, then I'm getting flamed again.

I don't care what their doing, what I'm saying is their out on a Sunday evening and I'm getting flamed.

They're all staying down at the Hearthstone Inn at some hotel thing by Lake Banook at Bremar Superstore all outside like Dog the bounty hunter, pep rallying each other in the parking lot with all those stupid cars they got.

They must be getting all geared up to go out last night and do assest recovery with fake court it? Like my rent.

What's asset recovery a theft ring and grand from "the Halifax Titans MMA team" with the murderer Steve Skinner and their drug cartel..the guy that got life for murder, that's with the one form my hometown the "Pictou County Titans" that assaulted me with those band people.

You're assault on the public just being there with nothing.

Whatever, I'm going to sue the Nova Scotia Government so bad over this man you have no idea, then I'm going get their businesses license banned, then I'm gonna tie them up in court for ten years arguing their business license.

Right, like I'm gonna take my appeals to the top of Canada's Supreme Court if I don't get my outcome which I have the means to do just like I'm doing to Sobeys.

Then if it ties to the flaming case going on at the same time with Sobeys man, I'm suig them for that to.

You're all going to find out you're not what you think you are assaulting me in this city in the garbage dump called the North End.

Court, dog shit.


I had to run home right fast after I drank my pink Rockstar energy drink...on my walk, all this is on my walking route ...just like I said Five Star Bailiff were in the Exact same spot this morning again for the third time this week lugging around old dvd players and shit, looking right at you.

The even got their car parked down at the same gas station on Pleasant street so I had to run right home and put it on my snitch pages.

Listen tho man, all you guys down around Pleasant Street watch out... I think they are Sobeys secret fake town sheriffs running around collecting assets with a fake government contract, like this man...they did this to me last time....

They're down there on Pleasant Street with the car parked outside trying to piss people off and then watching the car at the garage, then they're going to see if someone tampers with their car, then if they do they're going to jump out and press charges with fake court papers from the Halifax Police.

That's what they did to me in New Glasgow, Sobeys and them band don't fall for that down there, in the area where the groups homes are at, then they're watching everyone and saying they are private investigators on their webpage doing body guard services and debt collection.

So if I was Sobeys like when they assaulted me last time and now I'm getting flamed again and bums downtown trying to look at you...they're gonna set the car up as bait and then try and piss you off and see if tamper with their car on Pleasant street, then they'll press charges with fake court documents from the Halifax Police lying about you and making false police statements , that's what happened to me last time so don't fall for that.

Anyway, that's a talking out of my ass theory...maybe I'll bring back the Valley Girl Mystery Solvers on here and give them the case, maybe I'll make a full book out of it. 

Suck dick, suck dick bad.


I got what they're saying man...Five Star Bailiff is totally illegal, like I have them crushed in court it is so pathetic.

They are saying they are doing asset recovery and then showing up at peoples house and giving them fake court documents to try and get people's money back from loans and stuff.

Like they tried to collect on my debt that wasn't due by forcing me into a court hearing for rental eviction with fake documents for $454.

Totally illegal, if they come to your house man don't give them nothing and call the police, this is a huge scam over in the UK they are complaining about.

When I get them in court they are going to be totally finished.



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