Monday, May 18, 2020

Example For My Court Case

I can tell this much but not the other details in my case against Five Star Bailiff and the Nova Scotia Government .

I'm going to challenge their government license and appointments then I'm going to view the laws around that and then argue that Five Star Bailiff is an illegal business based on the laws for their license then I am challenging the law the lets them work on a government contract leading to the assault on my from them and Sobeys.

Then I am saying that they are using their government appointment to issue fake summonses and illegal eviction hearings.

Then I am going to explain to the judge about my other case against Sobeys and tell him I don't have the witness list yet because I have to find out who they are, then I am going to find out in this case if it's any of the same people, we already know it's MMA people in the same group. 

Then like this...

This will buy time in the courts, costing the Nova Scotia Government and Five Star Bailiff millions of dollars to defend my case, they may go bankrupt.

During Covid, I'm suing the Nova Scotia Government during the shutdown to take their money from their budget for my settlement.

Then I am going to say this,..

Five Star Bailiff is MMA people, then I am going to ask is there anyone else there from MMA?

Then I am going to ask is there anyone there from MMA that is from New Glasgow?

If there is then that is my other case against Sobeys, then I am subpoenaing them to testify in the Five Star Bailiff case, then using that testimony against Sobeys.

Then...I am going to ask them if anyone they know and if Five Star Bailiff works for Sobeys on contracts, if they know people from Sobeys on the tenancy board group with Five Star Bailiff and A.P Reid then I am going to subpoena them and then I will have them testify in this case, and use that for evidence in the lawsuit against them.

Then I will take the statements of the MMA people and the other people from Sobeys if they work with Five Star Bailiff and then take a slice of that testimony to put towards then next case against Sobeys.

Anyway, this will be a good way to break my case before the Nova Scotia Judges so they can get a sample will be coming in the next case.

Then I am seeking a financial settlement, then I will appeal that to the top of the supreme court if I don't get my outcome, that's what they are facing.

Bankruptcy in legal fees and settlements, plus settlements and legal fees from the Nova Scotia Government.

Fucking get that yet fucking bastards?


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