Saturday, May 16, 2020

CANADA: United States Economy Not Needed

You have to understand that Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump's plan is not needed in Canada, like Trump is mirroring on their economy they are saying "isolation" for their own plants for the United States only.

In Canada they already started saying "buy Canadian" with aid given to the fisheries sector, a huge business here in Atlantic Canada.

Buying local fish to support the Canadian economy is an easy thing to do here in Atlantic Canada, an obvious choice to start with.

Canadian does not mean foreign businesses running fish plants in Canada, those people need to be closed and get no COVID relief money from Canada, they have to be covered by the United States for example, Trudeau is asking you to pay for those businesses at your own expense with no jobs for Canadians from their sector.

Yes, buy Canadian fish only if it's a Canadian owned company.

Canada does not need foreign businesses operating here, were are more than capable of making our own Pepsi and Coke products with Canadian branding on them.

Certain products like cannabis have to remain 100% Canadian only, fish for example Canadian fish companies only qualify for Canada's aid package.

Canada does not support foreign businesses during a crisis for fishing, they have to get aid from their own Country.

Some products in Canada can include foreign businesses but they should receive no financial aid from Canada.

Other products like cannabis have to remain 100% Canadian because it's only legal in Canada with no foreign interruption or involvement because it is internal to Canada.

All other products in Canada should be made Canadian first, then only allow foreign businesses to operate in a selected sector for other stuff like fish.

Then all government contracts have to be non profit only for rebates to citizens with no foreign involvement.

All the main industry has to be switched to Canada only, then outside secondary with no federal aid package of any kind.

Then like with the cannabis we start plants running off knock of products of Pepsi and them in Canada only, this will allow Canada to grow as we build our own internal economy and close our borders to foreign companies and only allow them in limited sectors.

Soda Pop like Pepsi for example will be sold as a Canadian version first like a knock off that says Canada on it for all products.

Outside products like Pepsi will be sold on a lower tier in Canada as secondary outside products.

Then we need to manufacture a Canadian version of Pepsi, like something with a Canada look to it to go with the cannabis.

After this the United States and their illegal contractors will not be needed in Canada.

For example, we close our economic borders and seize all money coming from these outside government contractors, then we start Canadian products the CBC of Pepsi.

These materials will then be used to generate money to increase Canada's standard of living to a basic individual amount of $2000 per month with decreased food prices and lower bill payments and no credit checks for in house financing only in Canada, this will lower the price of cars etc. in Canada.  

The money generated will then go to increasing the basic living amount to $2000 per month Canadian in all of the British Territories.

Canadian products like the knock off Pepsi can be sold through out the British Empire and we can also focus on importing from our own region first by stocking up on local products from the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Caribbean.

Then we will open up our economy to China from Canada with it's large amount of resources for Canadian manufacturing in China for Government owned production plants owned by Canadian citizens for financial rebates that are managed by the Canadian and Chinese government to ensure quality and proper financial regulations as we leave the United States Economy.

After this Pepsi and Coke for example will be a local United States product only as we switch to our own knock off version produced and distributed in the British Empire.

The Asian imports which are also popular in Canada can also be included, Toronto for example would be flooded with a large amount of Japanese and Chinese products like in Tokyo and Hong Kong here in Canada, crazy smart phones and Asia pop and stuff.

Other economic ties could include more sharing of our food regulations with Asia to import and export more banned foods to each region under new regulations as we leave the United States FDA model for food regulation and make a new British model for Canada and its British Region that can be shared with Asia to allow a new cultural exchange between the British Empire and Asia.

After we leave the United States economy and take our money back from their illegal contracts we will have a new blend of culture with more money as we abandon COVID products like Pepsi and Coke and adopt of more local British model that can be shared with Asia under new regulations.

Products like Pepsi and Coke will be worthless in the British Empire and Asia as we take control of our own economies as a business in the public hands, managed by the Canadian and Chinese government to give us money back as rebate cheques through the ownership of these products under public tax dollars.

Your pay will be $2000 a month minimum to stay home and not work as we take the economy into our own hands at home and at the government.

These new knock off products to go with cannabis will create a new cultural phenomena in Canada that will be shared in the British Empire as we leave behind the United States economy to build a new prosperous Canada under the United Kingdom. 


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