Thursday, May 21, 2020

SCIENCE: Microsoft Archaic Super Artificial Intelligence Computer Reveals New Internet Model

Microsoft's Azure Could Operating system signals the future of the internet, even if their Artificial Intelligence System is an out of date archaic model.

Artificial Intelligence in computing is probably the easiest work that can be done on a computer in 2020, in fact artificial intelligence is in many software programs today. 

This is the idea of Microsoft...

That instead of using many smaller computers to do work they are using "one machine" on an internet cloud system that contains 285,000 computer processors, that's to do your math and calculations faster.

Instead of workers logging in and using their own cpu on an old machine, they will then be using the super computer which has 285,000 daisy wheeled computer cpu's to handle the workload of their logged on users.

Artificial Intelligence on computers is simple, like with Youtube Recommended Playlists or Music Software Programs.

Youtube records what you look at and then the staff have programmed in lists of other videos that other people have watched and then compares your list to the ones in their database.

Then when you watch Youtube is makes you a profile and then plays you back a playlist based on other users activity...that is all of Computer Artifical Intelligence.

In music software like for a virtual symphony program people have recorded sets of live sounds into the software sound library and then when you play the virtual instrument it automatically matches you progression to the ones recorded in their database and returns the proper sounds and progressions for what you are doing.

So in the software program you start hitting the triangle instrument and then it scans the database for your pattern and then returns a live recording of the virtual instrument in the pattern it finds in it's database to play your selected input from it's library by assembling prerecorded sounds from it's library in your progression.

So artificial intelligence in computers is just databases of prerecorded inputs that are returned based on the users selections.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Operating system would contain pre inputted samples of thngs like accounting processes, then when you log in and start doing accounting, it matches your selected input and returns prerecorded accounting process that have already been mapped to help you do your accounting.

That's all artificial intelligence is on the computer.

Like this, even though this AI model is archaic Microsoft probably never built one yet....but it is extremely simple.

Microsoft Azure Cloud Operating System is the future of the internet, although AI is only a function to make computing extremely simple.

I'm not bashing the new Microsoft Azure Operating System, I'm just saying their theory is old.

All this has already been proven.

This is what will happen in the future with Microsoft Cloud Azure, which I am sure people will want to replace Microsoft Windows with.

In the future when you buy a Microsoft Computer it will be set up as a home terminal to the Microsoft Cloud...which only means online from you.

Your one pc and cpu processor from home will then login to the Microsoft Cloud Network and then connect your home pc to Microsofts Azure Cloud Operating system...their network will then "daisy wheel" your home pc into their network and then you will access their 285,000 computer processors from your linked in home pc giving you extra computing power from the Microsoft Azure Network.

So it's like this, you computer software workload from home is then "dumped" onto the Microsoft Servers and then their Super Computer will process your home workload and return a faster result from their servers, like for Computer Graphics and Computer Animation Modelling.

When that comes out when your are doing Computer Animation you buy Microsofts Animation Software and then when you run your program at home, it logs in to the Microsoft database on it's AI system to match your home animation "work patterns".

Microsoft would then scan your work patterns through their database on Azure remotely, that's what Cloud is...remote, and return prerecorded patterns for your animation work to "artificially" finish your work faster by loading their pre recorded rendering patterns into your work artifically to save you time and processing power.

The animation program would return a "projected result" from Microsoft Azure for your project from their database to help you do your work artificially off their designs, you designs receiving a "projected outcome" would just be edited by you at home as you go to make the finished design.

For example Microsoft 3D modelling has already mapped the human body running and walking in every position in a 3D wire framework I am assuming off their projects like the movie "Toy Story".

When you create your 3D character at home, you login in to Microsoft Azure Cloud Supercomputer, then it processes your work on thier server and returns 3D wire frame patterns running and walking to animate your character artificially by  matching your work to frames in their database.

The is all of the field of Artificial Intelligence and it is super easy.

The problem is all those databases of wire frames take up tons of hard drive space, which is why they are stored remotely on Cloud Servers at Microsoft Azure.

Their daisy wheeled 285,000 computer processors scan your work when you are logged in to offer you help to complete your work and return a faster rendering by processing your work through their servers.

The result...the simple home pc then has full access to complete professional animation studios from Microsoft by backing up your computer on their processing network to do your work faster without having a large computer.

That is their new operating system Microsoft Azure.

After this you will barely even need a hard drive, all you would need is a tablet, chromebook or laptop for example with just screen and a keyboard.

The "chromebook" logs in remote to the Microsoft Azure Cloud Server and connects your device on it's 285,000 processor daisy wheel system.

Then your computer picks up that processing power, giving you access to their artificially intelligent programs in their database.

Then your hard drive would move form "at home" to "online" and your hard drive would never crash again.

Home hard drives would then just become remote cloud hard drives then all your software rendering would be saved online on your cloud hard drive and you would never lose your work because it is stored remotely.

However you might still want to back that up on home hard drives or make a CD rom or DVD rom backup at home of your files.

All your files would then just be stored on your "virtual hard drive" hosted on Microsoft Azure on their cloud and you would just buy space by the terra byte as needed, which would never crash and is a permanent backup, you would never lose your work ever again.   

Like with music, you buy at home Microsoft Azure and it comes in the start menu with the Spotify App on the windows button...when you press it you have access to al the world's music stored remotely on cloud servers.

Microsoft Azure offers the same thing for other software to help you complete and store your work remotely on cloud with their pre mapped AI work patterns and then all you would need at home for a computer is a screen and keyboard with a small hard drive for server interaction and a digital backup method like a dvd burner to save your work at home on disc if you want one.

When you log in all your files would be stored remote on Microsoft Azure with access to all music through Spotify and then Microsoft Programs on Azure would contain their AI models to help load your work at home through their processors without you having a fast computer or large hard drive.

Then you would just pay for your internet connection and then you would save money by not needing more expensive equipment because Microsoft is using their processors on Azure to support your home pc and yours would become super cheap with faster processing and no need for hard drive space.

That is the future of the internet.


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