Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Like This, Let's Say I'm A Big Corporate Downsizing Guy

My job would be to go into a company and downsize it. 

Everyone says this creates job loss, that may be true but it also creates work.

During a Corporate downsizing tons of people are hired to work on the contract, like doing computer work and stuff, then when they are done they have replaced what the people did with a computer program.

Then the sector is closed.

That's because no one needs to work there in that section because it is now an automated software program.

This saves the company money, then they transfer the staff to a different sector where the new work is at, like with the new computer software built during the downsizing.

My job was to design the software, like I know every part of that area of the business.

After the downsizing they run new software, then the staff have to be trained on that for their new job.

The new work that they are doing makes the company more money because the automated software makes the company run cheaper, that money is put into new ventures to create more work.

That is the goal anyway.

Companies like Sobeys can't afford to install the downsizing software, like it would bankrupt them to install it.

Like this with the government.

What we need is to downsize the government and remove the front counters of places like Access Nova Scotia, Tenancy Board, Community Services etc.

Then all those people will be fired and they can't say anything to you anymore.

Then they just make all those services online submission that has to match the rules of thier offices like on income tax submissions pages but for other services.

Then you just fill everything out at home from online, then if their if their is an error with the staff they would handle it out back and not let the town see it and then just correct the persons file and finish the online submission.

Then they don't need any of those staff and people can use the welfare office at home online instead by automatic submission. 

Then that section of the government is closed and the money can be put into something else.

Like that's the work they tried to steal from me at Sobeys.

My job designing all that with the software layouts and stuff.


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