Saturday, May 23, 2020

Did This Political Stuff Ever Change Fast

Now we're on the same side as the Indians in British Columbia here in Halifax.

Like this everyone told Trudeau no, that's regular people, the Indians and China all told him and Trump no.

The Indians on the train tracks I'm not in a fight with them man, my oil pipeline is going through their land easy.

The people they are complaining about are the people we kicked out of Atlantic Canada, all those Conservatives...down here it is Liberal.

So they aren't the same Indians we have down here in Nova Scotia, like at Boat Harbor, the Province closed that for them.

The Indians out there they mean the G20 with Trump and them, Trudeau and them....they are telling them no the G20 Group.

They're not telling my pipeline no, never man.

The point here we're all on the same side against them, the G20...the Indians would get more money by just ignoring them and not buying their a boycott against the G20 on the stock market with the rest of us, then they'll issue more money and stuff when stop buying from them.


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