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The Internet: The Economy of Today |
Don't be concerned about anything in the news about the Economy, yes some people lose their jobs and others get new ones but overall the state of the Global Economy is stable and perhaps increasing.
With The United States currently pulling out of global trade agreements and adding increased tariffs on imported goods from Canada and Overseas we should not be concerned, that's because The United States is only one Country pulling out of trade agreements.
The rest of the Countries are still united and need to pull together to make new agreements between each other to make up for the difference of The United States pulling out and adding tariffs, together we can work to stabilize the void in the economy left by the United States by redistributing our old trade agreements from the United States among our other global partners.
That way we can "level off" the economy and maintain the same levels of income and trade for Canada and the rest of the world by redistributing the old United States agreements to our other partners global so that we can maintain the same global financial levels.
What used to be part of a United States trade agreement would now fall to France for example for Aluminum exports from Canada in a new arrangement and then Canada would in turn take on materials from France replacing their old United States trade agreements.
Doing this in all sectors would replace the void in trade agreements left by the departure of the United States from current global financial markets in the import / export trade sector and create new jobs and working relationships in other Countries.
In the United States this is Donald Trumps "Make America Great Again" campaign.
Well by pulling out of NAFTA and keeping jobs in the United States.
Donald Trumps increase in tariffs will keep manufacturing in the United States and create jobs by blocking cheap foreign imports from Canada and other Countries.
Everyone hated NAFTA because people are concerned about losing their sovereignty and creating too interconnected business between two countries, this "merges" the countries in sorts and this concerns people that it would merge Canada and the United States for example with too many loose trade ties.
Well you don't have to worry about that now because Donald Trump has cut them and pulled out of NAFTA, creating a more sovereign United States with less global trade ties.
What they are doing is keeping manufacturing in the United States to create jobs in areas like steel and lumber manufacturing.
That means more work regionally in the United States which will grow their economy internally with fewer outside partners.
This also forces Canada out of NAFTA because we no longer are a partner with The United States and helps to increase our sovereignty.
Cutting ties with the United States will allow us to open up Canada's global markets and create new working relationships with other countries under new agreements.
Goods previously shipped to the United States from Canada are now available to the rest of the world at the old price they were paying, other Countries can now get the old deal that The United States had in the past now other foreign countries can take advantage of the new agreement, Canada in turn will take on your countries imports in return in new trade deals similar to the terms under the old NAFTA agreements.
I'm not sure what global arrangements were in place with other countries while we had NAFTA, I'm just assuming the United States had a larger cut of our exports which are now open to foreign markets under new global import / export trade agreements.
A similar model probably applies to other countries facing new tariffs from the United States under Donald Trump.
Donald Trump making America great again is also great for the rest of us, it opens our global markets between ourselves to work together to create new trade deals and jobs in our countries outside of the United States.
The new Global Trade Deals now available from Canada to the other countries in the world will help push Canada's Globalization Movement forward creating new jobs and wealth and working agreements between all non United States Countries.
Canada's Globalization will open up new markets after the departure of the United States from NAFTA, in essence we will need more Global NAFTA like deals with other foreign countries outside Canada.
Globalization is great for Canada.
This will open up new relationships for business and with other countries and probably nullify the departure of The United States from NAFTA and most likely create new wealth by importing and exporting to non United States Countries under new non-United States Global Free Trade Agreements.
For Countries outside of The United States of America Globalization is a great deal, non- United States Countries can now set up a new Global Free Trade Agreement that does NOT include the United States.
This is great for smaller countries who can participate in Canada's Globalization by picking up a piece of the old deal abandoned by The United States.
In short, other smaller Countries can step in and bid on a new free trade deal in a Global Market to get a piece of the old Canada / United States Agreement.
That way we will get the same deal internally for our businesses only the exports go somewhere else now for the same price, in return Canada will but goods from your smaller Country.
That way businesses in your Country will be open to new contracts from Canada which will be purchasing some of your countries manufactured goods.
That is what globalism is, it's Global Economic Free Trade Agreements.
Globalism is great for Canada, that's because we have a friendly image to the world and are the second largest Country geographically. That's makes us a perfect fit for Globalization, by spreading Canada's great reputation to other Countries through new Global Free Trade Agreements.
Not to mention, Canada being the second largest Country in the world what do think is in that?
That's right, resources!
Steel, Iron, Minerals, Farming, Gold, Silver etc... Canada's wealth is mining and manufacturing which is one of our main exports....steel and minerals etc.
That's what has been tariffed by The United States.
Canada's small population and massive amount of natural resources like steel makes us rich under Global Global Free Trade Agreements.
Similar to China, Canada can dig up all those materials in massive volumes thus lowering the sale price of steels and minerials.
Excessive mining by Canada to create an internal surplus of materials which will lower the price of those materials because of the large volume which we can then sell cheap in new Global Free Trade Agreements.
This will open Canada's exports up to new markets in other countries that are looking for cheap imported steel, metals and minerals.
This will create a massive boost to the economy with new future export contracts, in return Canada will import other goods from your country to increase wealth in other areas locally in your region.
Canada's Globalization and push into new Global Free Trade Agreements will create a massive amount of new foreign contracts for Canada's resources and increase our economic position and will provide cheaper materials to overseas Countries under the new global free trade from Canada as part of Canada's open Globalization Movement.
Your Country will benefit from cheap steel and building supplies as well as minerals like zinc and magnesium which if I need to remind you are used for manufacturing in everyday products.
Canada will benefit from new exporting Contracts creating work in Canada and also we will have new cheaper goods on store shelves from new foreign markets previously unavailable.
That is stuff we bought in return for our export contracts.
For Canada with it's tough competitive markets next to the "entertainment and financial" capital of the world The United States, Globalization would be a "great fit" for Canada.
Canada's Globalization will help us compete Globally with United States markets, plus we have more land which means more steel and minerals.
Plus, when the revenue from the sale is returned to Canada the wealth goes into Canada's infrastructure for roads, hospitals etc. and having that income distributed under the small population will make us more rich per capita meaning per person.
That way each person in Canada gets a "bigger personal cut" of the new wealth meaning better health care and more Government benefits and nicer roads City and Town areas.
This will make Canada a rich Country and everyone will benefit based on the high value of our resources and returned distributed wealth among our population.
That is Canada's Globalization Model.
Doing this will allow us to compete on a scale similar to the scale of the United States but from Canada.
Canada unable to compete because of the wealth of The United States our competitive option is Globalization.
Canada's Globalization and new Global Free Trade Markets will open our economy to new foreign markets and allow us newer cheaper imports in return for other products.
That's why Globalization is great for Canada.
To replace the term NAFTA we need a name for Canada's new Global Free Trade Agreements, which will drive Canada's economy into the future.
In short, we cut the throat of the United States in metals and minerals in the global economic market by digging up an excessive amount of our natural resources and dump in on overseas markets like Europe and Asia dirt cheap for next to nothing like China does to get them to import our steel and minerals.
Then we make tons of money which is great for Canada , That is Globalization = Great for Canada.
Digging up tons of our natural resources and selling it off for next to nothing to Europe and Asia in return for trade deals on imports is Canada's Globalization and one of best our best options for economic growth, plus our material are in demand overseas.
You have to say FTA which means Free Trade Agreement when you name it.
CGFTA - Canada Global Free Trade Agreement
WFTA - World Free Trade Agreement
CWFTA - Canada World Free Trade Agreement
So when this gets an official name just those in mind, I don't know if those are taken or not that's just an example.
Under the Canada Globalization Movement and new Global Free Trade Agreements one of the main economic drivers is internet.
Internet is probably the second largest industry after mining and manufacturing.
What is on the internet?
In fact, overseas shopping.
Canada needs to increase its presence in allowing cheaper imported goods through customs.
That is because of Internet Shopping, allowing Canada's Citizens to access cheaper internet shopping from foreign countries under new free trade agreements will allow us to order cheaper personal goods online and also increase the wealth of our foreign global business partners.
Right now, internet shopping is restricted in Canada because of exchange rates, customs tariffs and GST taxes.
Ordering online overseas is just too expensive for many Canadians.
Opening the foreign markets to Canadian shoppers will not "hurt" Canada's economy, it will help keep more money in our Citizens pockets which will be spent in Canada.
Ordering online will save us money that we can spend on other goods in Canada.
Then we will also import more cheap goods from China and South East Asia to stock our stores and that money will stay in Canada when we shop at places like Wal-Mart locally.
China and South East Asia (and other countries) in return for importing our metals and minerals will get trade deals as we export more goods.
Then we open up online shopping from Canada to allow us to shop under free trade with overseas markets which will allow Canadian consumers to shop overseas manually at home on the internet with less restrictions.
For example Canada may be able to get cheap goods directly from Europe and Asia with no tariffs or a closer currency exchange rate to Canada's.
That would mean some T-Shirts would be like $8 - $10 and Compact Discs may be $5 - $6 Canadian each coming from overseas markets like Europe and Asia.
Then when shopping online in Canada in addition to our regular products we would have discounted products from overseas we could buy at half price Canadian. The rest of that you spend in Canada.
To do this we need no taxation at customs for consumers importing items at a value of something like $1000 per purchase.
Currently the rate is currency exchange plus 7%.
I just feel $1000 is a good number that covers single purchase common household items. $1000 would cover most things you would want to buy like cheap computers and electronics from overseas like stereos and stuff.
Larger priced items could be taxed like cars etc. over a certain value but for everyday shoppers I think a $1000 no tariff value is a good starting number to get a discussion going which covers most common household items like Computers and Electonics.
That way there would be no import tax in Canada on buying a discounted regular Computer from Europe or Asia.
That is just a good starting number that covers regular home items like electronics, or like $1000 worth of clothes would be non taxed at customs.
The current non taxable maximum import value is $20.
That is an old number from before the internet.
Removing that and allowing a minimum of $1000 non taxable on imports will help drive internet shopping in Canada and allow us to buy cheaper goods, just like shopping at Walmart only we order ourselves directly from Europe or Asia at home through online shopping.
Then we need to REDUCE EXCHANGE RATES - reducing exchange rates and cutting import taxes will give Canada's Dollar a higher purchasing value in overseas markets for everyday customers.
For example a $20 shirt in Canada may be $8 Canadian online overseas once we lower exchange rates and cut import taxes, then customers in Canada can shop direct from Europe and Asia and save big by ordering direct from overseas.
Again, the difference in local lost revenue is made up by you have more money in your pocket from overseas savings that can be spent in Canada.
Also, Canada will import more cheap goods from overseas for everyday shoppers like at Walmart, all money that will be kept in Canada...PLUS, overseas Countries will also be supporting Canada's Economy by importing cheap metals like steel and minerals under the new global free trade agreements creating work and wealth in Canada from foreign Countries buying our cheap materials.
That money is passed on to Canadians by allowing them to shop directly overseas from the same Countries online. This will give them more consumers while import our cheap materials.
They buy our steel and then we shop there un taxed in local Canadian Dollars with no exchange rate or import taxes would be ideal under a certain dollar value per purchase, minimum $1000 non taxable imports for Canadian consumers shopping online
Finally, the Internet.
Youtube's recent Content ID project got me thinking that we should digitize all the worlds books and magazines and then transcribe out all the movies and tv show scripts, in multiple langauges English first.
Then we could create the "virtual library" which is a real library on the internet just like the psychical libary.
Then instead of going to the library you can look up the book and read it online.
However, it has to be searchable.
Someone would have to type out all those ebooks and magazines and movie and tv scripts into a searchable html format.
Then you can search all the book content in html format like flipping through a psychical book at the library.
Like this, if you write a university research paper the professor can look up your references and citations on the html search and the book would come up on the internet library and he could read it to verify your citations from his home or office computer.
Researchers could use this material to study texts from home to work on research papers, plus reading books on there for free would just be like reading them at the library.
That is NOT file sharing.
Those books are not file sharing that is a library.
This is the number one reason file sharing is NOT illegal, the public library does NOT put the bookstore out of business.
Public Libraries that offer free books that everyone reads does not put bookstores out of business.
Bookstore's do not got out of business just because you can read them for free at the library.
On the internet ebooks and music are just like the Public Library.
When you file share ebooks that is the same as reading them at the library, the same goes for music and video content.
So you can't say file sharing is illegal when it is the same thing a going to a public library.
Then we need to write out all the Library Books into an html format manually so it can be searchable in an html format on the internet.
Then you can read all the Library Books on your home computer and verify quotes and citations in an html searchable format.
Then should be a number one priority for the internet.
I think that this should be typed out manually in South East Asia.
This would take too long in North America.
South East Asia has a large population and low wages, so if they want to work for like $1 an hour to type out all the books that is their decision.
That is their wage there anyway. Yes, it sounds bad to say that but they are the ones there that want to do the work.
Places like China and India and South East Asia would do this fast and cheap with low wages and a large population.
In return for hiring them to type that out super cheap we would get the internet library at home in a search format just like at the psychical library.
Canada (and other Countries) should help fund this project.
Canada should pay their Countries out of our pocket to type out that material so we can get this internet public library made quickly. Then they might need the work anyway plus that might be a lot of money there.
I think that South East Asia typing out all the Library Books in every language would be a great project for them to take on with funding from Canada and other countries here.
This would also help to release the Free 4G Network for home use and help build real internet television.
The html searchable public library built by South East Asia would be a second new feature that would be built with Internet Television.
It would be Internet Television and the html public searchable free library on the free wireless 4G Phone Network.
Those are practical uses of the internet that we need today.
We in Canada would help fund this project with our overseas business partners in new non United States Global Free Trade Agreements and then they would by our cheap metals and minerals when we dig them up and sell them off, then we would be able to shop un tariffed an un taxed online in an open market with Europe and Asia to buy cheap consumer goods.
That would be a great deal for Canada.
Plus, I'm sure the United States would want to help fund the Internet Public Library built for us in South East Asia.
That is the Globalization of Canada, great for all.